As is true in the physical body, so it is true in the Church. What you eat affects your health. Much of what is sick in the Body today, is because of our diet. Aside from all the "junk food" we eat (like TV, the Movies, novels, etc), there is what we are fed in church.
Over and over in the Scriptures we are told to beware of false teachers, and those who twist scriptures. So we, like the believers in Berea, will search the scriptures to see if these things are so.
Here is a collection of articles bringing some of the things commonly believed in the Church today into the light of the Bible.
Call it Heresy" by Kim Josephson
Freedom" by Ben Nelson (PDF*)(html)
Repentance or Victory
over Sin"
by Ben Nelson (PDF*)(html)
Guilt or Feeling
Guilty?" by
Ben Nelson (PDF*)
Unconditional Love" by Ben Nelson (PDF*)
Scripture: No Condemnation" by Ben Nelson (PDF*)
Judgement" by Ben Nelson (PDF*)